Bedcover, Late 17th century
Commemorative Bookmark "A Tribute of Affection", 19th century
Thomas Stevens
I Morosi Alla Finestra, 2002
Gio Ponti
Man's Jifu (Semiformal Court Robe), Qing dynasty (1644–1911), 1720/40
Panel, c. 1736
Style of Jean Revel
Fragment (Dress Fabric), 18th/19th century
Woman with Female Servant in a Palace Garden, Yuan or early Ming dynasty, late 14th/15th century
Summer Kimono (Hitoe), About 1900–1916
Narrow Strip, 15th century
Steer Horn Armchair, 1870–80
Artist unknown
Panel (Dress or Furnishing Fabric), 1924
Léon Bakst
Surihaku (Noh Costume), Edo period (1615–1868), 1775/1825
Panel (From a Settee), 1745/55
Black-White-Red, Designed 1926/27, woven 1965
Anni Albers
Woman's Ceremonial Skirt (tapis), 18th century (?)
Bill (Ronca), 16th century