Fragment of a Funerary Naiskos (Monument in the Shape of a Temple), about 330 BCE
Ancient Greek
Figure of a Youth from a Funerary Stele (Monument), about 380 BCE
Ancient Greek
Woman (Elevation), Modeled 1912–15, cast 1927
Gaston Lachaise
Good Boy Bad Boy, 1985
Bruce Nauman
Afrophoenix No. 1, 1963
Melvin Edwards
God Shiva Seated in Loving Embrace with Goddess Uma on the Bull Nandi, 9th century
The Birth and the First Seven Steps of the Buddha, Kushan period, about 2nd/3rd century
London Wedding, c. 1924
Arnold Rönnebeck
Abstract Figure, 1921/23
Oskar Schlemmer
For Juan Gris #7, c. 1954
Joseph Cornell
Insertions into Ideological Circuits: Coca-Cola Project, 1970 (ongoing)
Cildo Meireles
Virgin and Child, 1240/50
Vase in the Form of a Tropical Plant with Bird and Deity, 1887/88
Paul Gauguin
William Edmondson's Sculpture, Nashville, Tennessee, 1941, printed 1953/54
Edward Weston
Abdiel, 1838–43
Horatio Greenough
Untitled, 1992
Doris Salcedo
The Mysteriously Abandoned New Home, 1958
H. C. Westermann
Two Figures, 1955
Lynn Chadwick
Mile of Sculpture, 1984
Martin Puryear
Capital with Bull and Worker, 1100/25