Mile of Sculpture, 1984
Martin Puryear
Saint Michael and the Devil, 1475/1500
Grotesque, 1923; cast 1964
Oskar Schlemmer
Dilapidarian Tower, 2010
Richard Hawkins
Mended Petal, 2016
Yoko Ono
Triple Roll, 1968
Richard Serra
Shiva as Lord of the Dance (Nataraja), Chola period, about 10th/11th century
Child's Play 1, 1966
Mel Bochner
"monument" for V. Tatlin, 1964
Dan Flavin
The Gambler, c. 1952
Richard Lindner
Museotypes, 1983
John Knight
Model and Sculptor with His Sculpture, from the Vollard Suite, March 17, 1933, printed 1939
Pablo Picasso
Capital with Anointing of David, c. 1180
Green Tara, Seated in Pose of Royal Ease (Lalitasana), with Lotus Stalks on Right Shoulder and Hands in Gestures of Reasoning (Vitarkamudra) and Gift Conferring (Varadamudra), Ming dynasty (1368–1644), Yongle reign mark and period (1403–24)
Sino Tibetan
Bireno and Olimpia, 1640/50
Ferdinando Tacca
Young Greek Sculptor with His Sculpture: A Man and an Ephebe, from the Vollard Suite, March 27, 1933, printed 1939
Pablo Picasso
Reasons for Knocking at an Empty House, 1982
Bill Viola
Jephtha's Daughter, 1874
Chauncey Bradley Ives
Crowned and Bejewelled Buddha Seated on an Elephant Throne, Late 19th century