Fragment (Depicting Tractors) (Dress or Furnishing Fabric), 1930/31
Sergi Petrovich Burylin
The Fascist Fanatic Vampire Must Be Brought Before The World's Court!, 1944
Viktor N. Deni
Announcer, plate two from Figurines: The Three-Dimensional Design of the Electro-Mechanical Show: "Victory over the Sun", 1920–21, published 1923
El Lissitzky
Gravediggers, plate nine from Figurines: The Three-Dimensional Design of the Electro-Mechanical Show: "Victory over the Sun", 1920–21, published 1923
El Lissitzky
Bayonet Attack, November 1941, printed 2003
Dmitri Baltermants
A pork-butcher came around to Lodz and we said "Good day." From Lodz to neighboring Radom he passed, and left behind one sorry ass. (Podoshel kolbasnik k Lodzi / my skazali : 'Pan dobrodzi!' Nu, a s Lodz'iu riadom Radom / i ushel s podbitym zadom.), c. 1914
Kasimir Malevich
Old Man (Head Two Paces Back), plate eight from Figurines: The Three-Dimensional Design of the Electro-Mechanical Show: "Victory over the Sun", 1920–21, published 1923
El Lissitzky
Gymnastics (Dress or Furnishing Fabric), 1930/32
Elizaveta Nikitina
Before long travel, August 23, 1972, 2017
Rachel Monosov
VKB/P (The Communist Party) (Dress or Furnishing Fabric), 1929
Liya Yakovlevna Raitser
The Pyramid of the USSR, 1997
Valera Cherkashin
Explodity (Vzorval'), 1913
Kasimir Malevich
Screen-Platform-Kiosk for the Fifth Anniversary of the Great October Revolution (Ekran-tribuna-kiosk k 5-i godovshchine Oktiabrskoi revoliutsii), 1922
Gustav G. Klutsis
Picture of Russians (Oroshia Jin no Zu), early 19th century
Unknown Artist
Picture of a Russian (Oroshia Jin no Zu), 1780s-1850s
Unknown Artist
Erste Russiche Kunstaustellung (First Russian Art Exhibition), 1922
El Lissitzky
Head of a Prophet, 1946
William Zorach
Russian Cavalry, n.d.
Rodolphe Bresdin
Russian Vessels, from the Album of seven prints of Russian Army and Warship (Roshia seigi shashin kan), 1853