Admire Kamudzengerere (Zimbabwean, born 1981) and Rachel Monosov (Russian, born 1987)
This photograph shows an intimate moment between artists Admire Kamudzengerere and Rachel Monosov. The couple met by chance in Harare, Zimbabwe, in 2015, and married two years later. Unable to find photographs documenting interracial marriages like theirs in Zimbabwe’s National Archives, in 2017 they fictionalized their own romance, casting themselves as characters named A. and R. in a multipart photographic drama, from which this photo derives. The series is set in 1972, when interracial marriage was taboo in the colonial context of Rhodesia (as Zimbabwe was then known), but the artists deliberately picture such a union as unremarkable. A typewritten caption adds further credibility to their fictional conceit.
Inkjet print