Coin Portraying Empress Otacilla Severa, 244-248
Ancient Roman
Coin Depicting the Amazon Smyrna, 175-200
Ancient Roman
Coin Depicting the Empress Tranquillina, 238-244
Ancient Roman
Fragment of an Inlay Depicting a Fish, Ptolemaic Period–Roman Period, (1st century BCE–1st century CE)
Ancient Roman
Sestertius (Coin) Portraying Emperor Vitellius, 69
Ancient Roman
Siliqua (Coin) Portraying Emperor Valens, 364-378
Ancient Roman
Siliqua (Coin) Portraying Valentinian II, 378-383
Ancient Roman
Coin Portraying Emperor Gallienus, 253-268
Ancient Roman
Denarius (Coin) Portraying Emperor Domitian, 91
Ancient Roman
Dedication Page, from XII Romans, 1963
Rudy Pozzatti
Diana and Actaeon, 1585/92
Jacopo Bassano
Trial Piece with Hieroglyphs, Early Ptolemaic Period, about 300 BCE
Ancient Egyptian
Plaque Depicting a Ram, Ptolemaic Period (332–30 BCE)
Ancient Egyptian
Sabines Crossing the River Tiber to Attend the Roman Games, n.d.
Polidoro da Caravaggio
Coin Depicting the Goddess Tyche, 98-117
Ancient Roman
Coin Portraying the Emperor Gallienus, 253-268
Ancient Roman
Antoninianus (Coin) Portraying Emperor Aurelian, 270-275
Ancient Roman
Bowl Fragment, 1st century BCE-1st century CE
Ancient Roman
As (Coin) Portraying Emperor Galerius, 305-311
Ancient Roman
Tetradrachm (Coin) Portraying King Ptolemy I, 253-252 BCE, reign of Ptolemy II (285–247 BCE)
Ancient Greek