The Abduction of the Sabine Women, c. 1675
Luca Giordano
Coin Portraying Empress Faustina the Younger, 161-176
Ancient Roman
Mosaic Floor Panel Depicting a Fish on a Platter, 2nd century
Ancient Roman
Coin Portraying Empress Lucilla, 164-169
Ancient Roman
Bowl, mid–1st century
Ancient Roman
Coin Portraying Emperor Galerius Maximianus, 305-311
Ancient Roman
Bottle, first half of the 1st century
Ancient Roman
Marcus Aurelius, plate III from XII Romans, 1963
Rudy Pozzatti
Head of Adam Emory Albright, 1935–36, cast 1952
Ivan Albright
Bowl, 4th-5th century
Coin Portraying Emperor Gallienus, 253-268
Ancient Roman
Fragment of a Floral Plaque, late 1st century BCE-early 1st century CE
Ancient Egyptian
Denarius Serratus (Coin) Depicting the Goddess Diana, about 81 BCE
Ancient Roman
Coin Portraying Emperor Augustus, 27 BCE-14 CE
Ancient Roman
Octavian, Mark Antony, and Lepidus Dividing the Roman Empire, with Bologna in the Background, c. 1622
Francesco Brizio
Tarquin and Lucretia, 1578–80
Aureus (Coin) Portraying Emperor Tiberius, 14-37
Ancient Roman
Coin Portraying Emperor Gallienus, 253-268
Ancient Roman
Cupid Chastised, 1613
Bartolomeo Manfredi
Plaque Depicting a Queen or Goddess, Ptolemaic Period (332–30 BCE)
Ancient Egyptian