The Truck, 1966
George Segal
Born in Snovsk, 1962
Jules Olitski
Head of Comity, c. 1750
Interrogation II, 1981
Leon Golub
Bananas with Red Thread, 1996
Zoe Leonard
Involvement Series, 1968
Wanda Pimentel
Mohnköpfe (Poppyheads) (Dress or Furnishing Fabric), 1900
Koloman (Kolo) Moser
Resurrected Christ Appearing to His Mother, n.d.
Cesare Dandini
Rockway Red, 1978
James Daniel Torlakson
A Red Plum Branch against the Summer Moon, c. mid–1840s
Utagawa Hiroshige
Communion of the Apostles, n.d.
Johann Martin Schuster
City Landscape, 1955
Joan Mitchell
Landscape with a Castle, 1716/18
Jean Antoine Watteau
The Balcony, c. 1949
René Magritte
Turquoise and Red Greys, Sequence Study, 1967
Bridget Riley
Venus with Cupid and Putto, 1527/30
Birds on Red Plum, Qing dynasty (1644–1911), 1892
Ren Yi
Head of a Monk, n.d.
Francesco Vanni
Kylix (Drinking Cup), about 480 BCE
Style of Douris
PH-774, 1958
Clyfford Still