General of the First Empire Giving his Cavalry Orders to Charge, n.d.
Jean Louis André Théodore Géricault
Mme. Michel Musson and Her Daughters, Estelle and Désirée, January 6, 1865
Hilaire Germain Edgar Degas
Vision in Red II, 1989
Ulla-May Berggren
Saint John the Baptist and San Bernardo degli Uberti, n.d.
Andrea del Sarto
Egypto, 1972
Miyoko Ito
Resurrection, n.d.
Santi di Tito
Death of Adonis, c. 1530
Giulio Romano
Battle of the Milvian Bridge, 1612
Johann Heintz
Design for an Archivolt: Two Fauns Supporting an Urn, n.d.
Clodion, (Claude Michel)
A Nude Female Figure Fleeing to the Right with Arms Outstretched, with Sketch of a Bust of Secondary Figure (recto); A Sketch of a Nude, Kneeling Female Figure, Supported by Another Standing (verso), c. 1600 (recto); 1598/99 (verso)