"How many things can you find wrong with this picture?", 1976, printed 1978
Leslie Robert Krims
6th between Market and Chestnut, 1977, printed 1980
Joel Meyerowitz
Iran: Washing and Scrubbing a Rug, 1943/64
Inge Morath
Hugh Edwards, Curator of Photography, The Chicago Art Institute, 1964
Dave Heath
Untitled, c. 1950/59
Unknown Maker
Danville, Virginia, 1966
Emmet Gowin
Do Tell, 1930
James VanDerZee
Georgia O'Keeffe (B), New York, January 31, 1948, printed September 1991
Irving Penn
Still Life with with Onion Skin, New York, 1947, printed 1991
Irving Penn
Untitled, c. 1950/59
Unknown Maker
Mouth (for L'Oréal), New York, 1986, printed 1992
Irving Penn
Slovak Steel Worker in the Pittsburgh Region Relaxes after Supper, 1909
Lewis Wickes Hine
Chicago Slums, 1910
Lewis Wickes Hine
Nude No. 44, New York, 1949/50, printed 1949/50
Irving Penn
Harvard Men, 1969
Steven Liebman
Monolith, The Face of Half Dome, Yosemite National Park, 1927, printed 1959
Ansel Adams
Café du Dome, Paris, 1925, printed 1970s
André Kertész
Hadija and Her Father, Somali Refugee Camp, Mandera, Kenya, 1992-94
Fazal Sheikh
Feast of San Domenico, Cocullo, 1951
David Seymour
Woman on the Street with Her Eyes Closed, 1956
Diane Arbus