Lock Leg Bedroom Group, Presentation Drawing, 1965
Henry Peter Glass
Acanthus Spinosus, Presentation Drawings, 1877
Peter Bonnett Wight
Eliphalet W. Blatchford House, Chicago, Illinois, LaSalle Street Elevation and Partial Section, 1873/75
Peter Bonnett Wight
Ottawa Opera House, Ottawa, Illinois, Design Drawing, c. 1875
Peter Bonnett Wight
"The Pub", Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Perspective, c. 1950
Henry Peter Glass
Untitled (Stamped Passed by US Army Examiner 20438), c. 1940/49
Unknown Maker
A Few Sonnets: "With her Pure Nails...", plate 25 from Poesies de Mallarmé, 1932
Henri Matisse
Virgin and Child with Saints Peter and John the Baptist (recto); Saint John the Baptist (verso), n.d.
Pietro d' Asaro
Portrait of Doge Giovanni Cornaro, 1632/36
Christoffel Jegher
Untitled, c. 1960/69
Unknown Maker
Untitled, c. 1940/59
Unknown Maker
Flowers (Black and White), 1974
Andy Warhol
Untitled, c. 1940/59
Unknown Maker
Untitled ("He Loves Me - He Loves Me Not" Which?), c. 1910/19
Unknown Maker
Orpheus Playing the Lyre to Hades and Persephone, from Orpheus and Eurydice or The Metamorphoses, c. 1685
Wauters Workshop
Two Women Drying Themselves, 1896
Suzanne Valadon
The Coronation of the Virgin, c. 1635
Christoffel Jegher
View from Sherry Netherlands Hotel across 59th Street, Plaza Hotel, Lake, Central Park, c. 1961
Peter Fink
Letter A, 1630
Peter Aubry
Just at This Moment..., from Through the Looking Glass, 1970
Peter Blake