Untitled, c. 1940/59
Unknown Maker
Untitled, c. 1950/59
Unknown Maker
The Flowers, plate six from Poesies de Mallarmé, 1932
Henri Matisse
April, from Twelve Months of Flowers, n.d.
Henry Fletcher
Meleager Kills the Calydonian Boar, from Les Métamorphoses, September 18, 1930, published 1931
Pablo Picasso
Vertumnus Amorously Pursues Pomona, from Les Métamorphoses, September 23, 1930, published 1931
Pablo Picasso
Angela and Peter, 1980
John Coplans
Side Chair, 1907–9
Charles Sumner Greene
Untitled, c. 1940/59
Unknown Maker
Toast, plate one from Poesies de Mallarmé, 1932
Henri Matisse
Weary of Bitter Rest, plate seven from Poesies de Mallarmé, 1932
Henri Matisse
Entering a Village, from Revue Fantaisiste, 1861
Rodolphe Bresdin
Lantern of Cupola, St. Peter's, Rome, n.d.
Sir Christopher Wren
Exterior View of Apse, Saint Peter's, n.d.
Liévin Cruyl
View of Crossing in Saint Peter's, n.d.
Louis Jean Desprez
Peter and John at the Temple Gate, 1626/69
Willem Drost
Calling of the Disciples Peter and Andrew, 1594
Aegidius Sadeler, II
Heads, from Les Métamorphoses, published 1931
Pablo Picasso
Self-Portrait, 1924
Lovis Corinth
Head of a Bearded Man and a Veiled Woman, from Les Métamorphoses, published 1931
Pablo Picasso