Fragment of a Bowl, 14th century
Tetradrachm (Coin) Depicting a Cista with Snake, 133-67 BCE
Ancient Greek
Marrow Scoop, 1859–62
Gale & Willis
Colophon, from The Mirrored Couple, 1961
Joyce Wahl Treiman
Yakusha Awase kagami, c. 1769-1825
Utagawa Toyokuni I
Fragment of a Bowl, 14th-15th century
Fragment of a Bowl, 13th-14th century
Joan Miró, 1947/55
Sanford H. Roth
Edward R. Murrow, 1956
Yousuf Karsh
Untitled, late July–early October 1929
Joan Miró
Untitled, plate III The Mirrored Couple, 1961
Joyce Wahl Treiman
Going Back to Look in the Mirror, 1982
Steven Sorman
The Nightingale's Song at Midnight and the Morning Rain, plate eleven from Constellations, 1959
Daniel Jacomet
Figure, n.d.
Mirko Basaldella
Untitled, 1947, printed 1950
Minor White
Untitled, 1947, printed 1950
Minor White
Untitled, 1947, printed 1950
Minor White
Bayerische Staatsoper Guillaume Tell, 2013–2014
Mirko Borsche
Bayerische Staatsoper 1943 1963 2013, 2013–2014
Mirko Borsche