The Don King Institute of Accounting, from Curtis, 1995
Ray Billingsley
View along the Via del Corso of the Palazzo dell' Accademia established by Louis XIV, King of France for French students of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, from Views of Rome, 1750/59
Giovanni Battista Piranesi
Visit of the King and Queen of Greece to Prince Louis of, c. 1905
Herbert Johnson
King Mu's Feast in Honor of Queen Mother of the West, Ming dynasty (1368–1644)
The Printer Valère Maxime being Presented to King Louis XI, 1860
Charles Meryon
Incantation, from Les Réincarnations du Père Ubu, 1928, published 1932
Georges Rouault
Falstaff (Shakespeare, King Henry IV, Part II, Act II, Scene IV), n.d.
Joseph Kenny Meadows
King Oscar II (Second plate), 1898
Anders Zorn
Princes Street from King Street, 1868
Thomas Annan
Ring: Ramesses (II), Beloved of Amun, New Kingdom, Dynasty 19, reign of Ramesses II (about 1279–1213 BCE)
Ancient Egyptian
King Club, 1984
Birney Imes, III
Encounter, plate thirteen from the Passion, 1936; published 1939
Georges Rouault
Christ at the Village Gates, frontispiece from The Passion, 1935; published 1939
Georges Rouault
Plaque: King in Chariot Shoots Enemy/King Seated in the Barque of Amun, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18–19 (about 1570–1186 BCE)
Ancient Egyptian
Kings of the Earth, 1961
Harold Keeler
King's Gambit, Accepted, 1993
Guy Burdick
Regent Sketch-King, 1971–77
Ed Flood
Scarab: King and Hieroglyphs, New Kingdom–Late Period, Dynasties 18–26 (about 1550–525 BCE)
Ancient Egyptian
The Power of the King [3 Esdras 4:3-8], from The Four Strongest Powers, 1574
Philips Galle
Coin Depicting a Shield, 239-229 BCE, issued by King Demetrius II