Study for Court of King's Bench, Westminster Hall, from Microcosm of London, c. 1808
Augustus Charles Pugin
Side View from King's Chapel Burying Ground; Ben Franklin Statue in front of City Hall; and View from Burying Ground, No. 5 from the portfolio "Old City Hall, Boston: A Photographic Portfolio" (1971), 1970, printed 1971
William Clift
Bishops, Prophets, and Kings from Schedel Weltchronik (Schedel's World History), Plate 10 from Woodcuts from Books of the 15th Century, 1496, portfolio assembled 1929
Unknown artist
Coin Depicting a Parasol, 40-44, issued by King Agrippa of Judaea
Ancient Roman
M to M of M/M (Paris): Fashion, Music, Art, Graphics, and Visual Styling from the Groundbreaking Design Studio, 2013
Rizzoli International Publications
Tomb of Louis XII, François I, Henry IV, Louis XIV, and all the kings of France in the Valois Cemetery at St. Denis, 1817