A Mirror on a Stand Suggesting the Autumnal Moon (Kyodai no shugetsu), from the series "Eight Scenes of the Parlor (Zashiki hakkei)", c. 1777
Torii Kiyonaga
The Embroidered Curtain, 1889
James McNeill Whistler
High Ranking Courtesan, c. 1830/43
Mihata Jôryû
A Parade of Courtesans, c. 1690
Hishikawa Moronobu
Goddess Riding a Dragon, from The Picture Book of Realistic Paintings of Hokusai (Hokusai shashin gafu), c. 1814
Katsushika Hokusai
The Warrior Kusunoki Masashige (1294-1336) Bidding Farewell to His Son Masatsura, 1780s (?)
Katsukawa Shunsei
The Actor Segawa Kikunojo III as Onatsu in the Play Kabuki no Hana Bandai Soga, Performed at the Ichimura Theater in the Third Month, 1781, c. 1781
Katsukawa Shunjо̄
Senzoku Pond (Senzokuike), from the series "Twenty Views of Tokyo (Tokyo nijukkei)", 1928
Kawase Hasui
Picture Book: Selected Insects (Ehon mushi erabi), 1788
Kitagawa Utamaro
Exchange of Gifts (Yuino), the second sheet of the series "Marriage in Brocade Prints, the Carriage of the Virtuous Woman (Konrei nishiki misao-guruma)", c. 1769
Suzuki Harunobu
Husband and Wife Caught in an Evening Shower (Fufu no Yudachi), from the series "Three Evening Pleasures of the Floating World" ("Ukiyo San Seki"), c. 1800
Kitagawa Utamaro
Winter in Aizu (Aizu no fuyu), c. 1940
Saito Kiyoshi
Autumn Maples with Poem Slips, c. 1675
Tosa Mitsuoki
Enjoying the Cool, from the series New Twelve Images of Modern Beauties, 1922
Ito Shinsui
Hanging Abalone Out to Dry, illustration for Abalone (Awabi), from the series "A Matching Game with Genroku-period Poem Shells (Genroku kasen kai awase)", 1821
Katsushika Hokusai
An Evening Visit (A Parody of Junidan Soshi), c. 1767
Suzuki Harunobu
Fishing by Torch in Kai Province (Koshu hiburi) from the series "One Thousand Pictures of the Ocean (Chie no umi)", c. 1833/34
Katsushika Hokusai
Battle of Nanba (Nanba senki no uchi), after 1871
Kawanabe Kyôsai
Morning at Mito Beach (MItohama no asa), December 1953
Kawase Hasui
A Wild Duck Swimming by a Snow-covered Bank beneath Snow-laden Reeds, 1830s
Utagawa Hiroshige