Yoshitsune's Encounter with Princess Joruri, from "The Tale of Joruri in Twelve Episodes (Joruri Junidan Zoshi)", c. 1684/1704
Sugimura Jihei
A Standing Screen Depicting Narihira’s Journey to the East, 1799/1801
Kitagawa Utamaro
Two Rabbits, from The Picture Book of Realistic Paintings of Hokusai (Hokusai shashin gafu), c. 1814
Katsushika Hokusai
Autumn Flower and Sparrow, c. 1835
Utagawa Hiroshige
Tamba-Ware Jar, 15th century
The Actor Osagawa Tsuneyo II as Oiso no Tora in the Play Gohiiki no Hana Aikyo Soga, Performed at the Kawarazaki Theater in the First Month, 1794, c. 1794
Katsukawa Shun'ei
Shirotae of the Okanaya, from the series "Models for Fashion: New Designs as Fresh as Young Leaves (Hinagata wakana no hatsu moyo)", c. 1777/78
Isoda Koryusai
Beauty of Ibarakiya Pulling at a Man's Umbrella - a Parody of the Legend of Watanabe no Tsuna and the Ibaraki Demon, c. 1759
Torii Kiyohiro
Gathering Lotus Flowers, c. 1765
Suzuki Harunobu
Mount Hodaka (Hodakayama), 1926
Yoshida Hiroshi
Evening Cool on the Verandah (Ensaki no yusuzumi): Genre scenes with kyoka poems, in aiban format (Kyoka-iri aiban fuzoku zu), c. 1788/90
Kitagawa Utamaro
Sparrows and Camellia in Snow, c. 1831/33
Utagawa Hiroshige
Cotton Roses and Sparrow, from an untitled series of Large Flowers, c. 1833/34
Katsushika Hokusai
Icon Plaque (Kakebotoke) with Bosatsu, 13th century
Flower Basket "Spotted Dove" (Ikaruga), 1979
Fujinuma Noboru
Poem by Kisen Hoshi, from the series "Six Famous Poets (Rokkasen)", c. 1764/65
Suzuki Harunobu
Incense That Revives the Image of the Dead - Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, 1765
Komatsuya Hyakki
House in Aizu, 1972
Saito Kiyoshi
Kanaya: Kanaya Slope and Oi River (Kanaya, Kanaya saka, Oigawa)—No. 25, from the series "Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido (Tokaido gojusan tsugi)," also known as the Reisho Tokaido, c. 1847/52
Utagawa Hiroshige
A Mirror on a Stand Suggesting the Autumnal Moon (Kyodai no shugetsu), from the series "Eight Scenes of the Parlor (Zashiki hakkei)", c. 1777
Torii Kiyonaga