Nishimikawazaka on Sado Island (Sado Nishimikawazaka), from the series "Souvenirs of Travel, Second Series (Tabi miyage dai nishu)", 1921
Kawase Hasui
Beauty Beneath a Willow Tree, Edo period, c. 1780
Isoda Koryusai
The Actors Bando Hikosaburo I as Araki Shozaemon and Nakamura Sukegoro I as Daidoji Tahatanosuke in the play "Chigozakura Futabajikki," performed at the Ichimura Theater in the tenth month, 1746, 1746
Torii Kiyonobu II
Boy as Hotei, from an untitled series of children as the Seven Gods of Good Fortune, 1780s
Kitao Shigemasa
Appoaching Dusk on Furukawa Embankment (Kure iku Furukawazutsumi), 1919
Kawase Hasui
Sazai Hall at the Temple of the Five Hundred Arhats (Gohyakurakanji Sazaido), from the series "Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji (Fugaku sanjurokkei)", c. 1830/33
Katsushika Hokusai
The Grace of the Mountain, 1949 (printed 1952)
Munakata Shikô
Lovers Parting in the Morning, from the series "Elegant Five-needled Pine (Furyu goyo no matsu)", c. 1797/98
Kitagawa Utamaro
Smiling Figurine, c. 1000–300 B.C.
The Actor Yamashita Kinsaku holding a puppet of the Empress in the play "Diary Kept on a Journey by Sea to Izu (Funadama Izu Nikki)," performed at the Nakamura Theater in the first month, 1725, 1725
Torii Kiyonobu II
A Cuckoo against the Moon, c. 1843/46
Utagawa Hiroshige
Ragora, from the series Ten Great Disciples of Shaka (Shaka jûdai deshi), 1939
Munakata Shikô
The Lion Dance, c. 1769/70
Suzuki Harunobu
Visitors to Enoshima, c. 1789
Torii Kiyonaga
Courtesan Holding a Long Pipe, c. 1743
Ishikawa Toyonobu
The Actor Bando Mitsugoro I as Ogata no Saburo Disguised as Yoroya Takiemon in the Play Mure Takamatsu Yuki no Shirahata, Performed at the Ichimura Theater in the Eleventh Month, 1780, c. 1780
Katsukawa Shunkо̄
A Young Nobleman, His Mother, and Three Servents, from the series "A Brocade of Eastern Manners (Fuzoku Azuma no nishiki)", c. 1783/84
Torii Kiyonaga
Tsuta Hot Springs in Mutsu Province (Mutsu Tsuta onsen), from the series "Souvenirs of Travel, First Series (Tabi miyage dai isshu)", 1919
Kawase Hasui
The Sixth Month, Enjoying the Evening Cool in a Teahouse, from the series The Twelve Months in the Southern Quarter (Minami jūni kō), About 1783
Torii Kiyonaga
The actor Otani Tokuji I as manservant Sodesuke, 1794
Tōshūsai Sharaku