The Actors Otani Oniji I as Soga no Goro and Sanogawa Ichimatsu I as the sister of Yoshinaka in the play "Fuji no Yuki Mitsugi Soga," performed at the Nakamura Theater in the first month, 1746, 1746
Torii Kiyonobu II
Sōgyō Hachiman, 10th century
Kanaya, from the series "Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido (Tokaido gojusan tsugi)", c. 1806
Katsushika Hokusai
Shoji (Sliding Doors of Katsura Imperial Villa), 1954
Saito Kiyoshi
Standing Courtesan, 1710s
Okumura Masanobu
Portrait of a Rabbit, 1867
Yabu Chosui
Holy Emissary, from Yiddish Motifs, 1926
Todros Geller
Komagata Embankment (Komagatagashi), from the series "Twelve Scenes of Tokyo (Tokyo junidai)", 1919
Watanabe Shozaburo
A Selection of Six Flowers - A Parody Rokkasen (Yatsushi rokkasen): Bishop Henjo, c. 1798
Chôbunsai Eishi
The Actor Iwai Hanshiro IV in Street Attire (by Shun'ei) Conversing with Two Women (by Shuncho), c. 1788
Katsukawa Shun'ei
Act Eleven from the series "The Chushingura Drama Parodied by Famous Beauties (Komei bijin mitate Chushingura Junimai Kuzuki)", c. 1794/95
Kitagawa Utamaro
The Actor Ichikawa Ebizo I as Sukeroku, c. 1749
Okumura Masanobu
Cat Making Up, 1962
Inagaki Tomoo
The Portrait of Actors at the Ogura Cottage, 18th century
Nishimura Shigenaga
The Actor Sakata Hangoro III as the Groom Abumizuri no Iwazo in Koriyama, Actually Kurisaka Taro Tomonori (SAndai-me Sakata Hangoro no Koriyama no Umakata Abumizuri no Iwazo, jitsuwa Kurisaka Taro Tomonori), 1794
(Kansei 6)
Tōshūsai Sharaku
The Waitress Ohisa of the Takashimaya, c. 1792/93
Katsukawa Shunchô
The Sixth Month (Minatsuki), from the series "Fashionable Twelve Months (Furyu juniko)", c. 1779
Torii Kiyonaga
Okitsu: Kiyomigaseki and Seiken Temple (Kiyomigaseki, Seikenji)—No. 18, from the series "Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido (Tokaido gojusan tsugi)," also known as the Reisho Tokaido, c. 1847/52
Utagawa Hiroshige
Child Attendant and Bald Tengu of Mt. Kurama (Kaburo Kurama Tengu), no. 7 from a series of 12 prints depicting parodies of plays, c. 1716/35
Okumura Masanobu
The Actor Sawamura Sojuro III as Sonobe Zaemon in the play "Shin Usuyuki Monogatari," performed at the Ichimura Theater in the eighth Month, 1779, c. 1779
Katsukawa Shunsho