Fukusa (Gift Cover), late Edo period (1789–1868)/ Meiji period (1868–1912), 19th century
Fukusa (Gift Cover), late Edo period (1789–1868)/ Meiji period (1868–1912), 19th century
Fukusa (Gift Cover), late Edo period (1789–1868)/ Meiji period (1868–1912), 19th century
Fukusa (Gift Cover), late Edo period (1789–1868)/ Meiji period (1868–1912), 19th century
Fukusa (Gift Cover), late Edo period (1789–1868), 1801/25
Fukusa (Gift Cover), late Edo period (1789–1868), early 19th century
Fukusa (Gift Cover), late Edo period (1789–1868), early 19th century
Fukusa (Gift Cover), early Meiji period (1868–1912), 1868/83
El Paso's Second Ward, c. 1966
Danny Lyon
Untitled, c. 1960
Stephen Deutch
Untitled, c. 1955–1980
Charles Harbutt
Nude, March 1966
Keith Smith
Kroch's and Brentano's Party and Gift Center, Chicago, Illinois, Presentation Drawing, c. 1962
Coder Taylor Associates
Untitled, 1962/86
Danny Lyon
San Francisco, 1968
Eve Sonneman
Untitled, c. 1960/63
Fred Beckman
Priam - I Come Now and I Bring You Gifts Beyond Number, plate 54 from Drawings for The Iliad, 1962
Meriden Gravure Company
Buddy Zahn, Gunn, and Odum; (The Walls), from the series "Conversations with the Dead", 1968
Danny Lyon
Untitled, May 1967
Keith Smith