The Reflecting Pool: Collected Works, 1977–80
Bill Viola
A Family Meal, 1890s (?)
Evert Pieters
Memories of the Past, 1927
Ivan Albright
Te raau rahi (The Big Tree), 1891
Paul Gauguin
Handle Spout Vessel Depicting Seated Figure Drinking from Cup, 1200–1450
E-13: English Rotunda and Library of the Regency Period, 1810-20, c. 1937
Narcissa Niblack Thorne
The Cloisters, 1949
Andrew Wyeth
Farm near Duivendrecht, c. 1916
Piet Mondrian
Dupondius (Coin) Portraying Germanicus Caesar, 15 BCE-19 CE
Ancient Roman
Woman Bathing Her Feet in a Brook, 1895
Camille Pissarro
Les Propos de Thomas Vireloque: The old story, my lambkins, 1852
Paul Gavarni
Rapture, 1999
Shirin Neshat
Mount Equinox, Winter, 1921
Rockwell Kent
Bust of Seleucus Nicator of Syria, Late 19th century reproduction
Sabatino de Angelis
E-27: French Library of the Modern Period, 1930s, c. 1937
Narcissa Niblack Thorne
Handle Spout Vessel with Relief Depicting a Standing Figure, Holding Farming Tools, 100 BCE–500 CE
E-18: French Salon of the Louis XIV Period, 1660-1700, c. 1937
Narcissa Niblack Thorne
Pavia, 1904
Donald Shaw MacLaughlan
Decorated Bookbinding, 18th century