Calling upon the Lady Tamakazura, from the illustrated book "Collection of Pictures of Beauties (Bijin e-zukishi)", c. 1683
Hishikawa Moronobu
A Bench in the Bronx on Sunday, 1933, printed c. 1962
Walker Evans
Monolith, The Face of Half Dome, Yosemite National Park, 1927
Ansel Adams
Apache Lake, Sierra Blanca Range, Arizona, 1873
Timothy O'Sullivan
Lettuce Ranch, Salinas Valley, 1934, printed 1953/54
Edward Weston
Kadikoi, from Camp of Horse Artillery, 1855
Roger Fenton
Janitzio, Lake Pátzcuaro, 1926, printed 1953/54
Edward Weston
Celaya, Mexico, 1955
Aaron Siskind
Untitled, c. 1969
James Alinder
Verrazano Narrows Bridge, from the series "The Bridge", 1964
Bruce Davidson
The Pope's Palace, Avignon, c. 1851
Charles Nègre
The Railway Yard, Balaklava, 1855
Roger Fenton
Alpine Lake, in the Cerro Blanco Mountains, Colorado. One of a group of ten lakes at the main head of Ute Creek. 11.000 feet above sea-level. Cerro Blanco Peak rises 14.269 feet abov the sea, lying to the westward, No. 45 from the series "Geographical Explorations and Surveys West of the 100th Meridian", 1874
Timothy O'Sullivan
Robert Brownrigg, taken at the Crimea, 1855
Roger Fenton
Card Game of Construction Workers, 1950/55
Ralph M. Hattersley
El Capitan, Yosemite Valley, c. 1927
Ansel Adams
La Fontaine du square de l'Archevêché; Derrière Notre-Dame, 1847, printed 1965