The Actor Sawada Shojiro as the Swordsman Hayashi Buhei, from the series “Collection of Portraits by Shunsen (Shunsen nigao shu)", 1927
Natori Shunsen
Dante's View, Death Valley, 1938, printed 1953/54
Edward Weston
Louisiana, 1941, printed 1953/54
Edward Weston
Leg in Hammock, 1937, printed 1953/54
Edward Weston
Ruins at Manassas Junction, March 1862
Barnard and Gibson
Field and Fence, Provence, France, c. 1960
Dorka Raynor
Moth and Stump, Interglacial Forest, Glacier Bay National Monument, Alaska, No. 6 from "Portfolio Two: The National Parks and Monuments" (1950), 1949, printed 1950
Ansel Adams
Iris Florentina, from Collection des plantes usuelles, curieuses, et étrangères, 1767
Jacques Fabien Gautier d'Agoty
Water Rhyolites, Near Logan Springs, Nevada, 1871
Timothy O'Sullivan
Sir Walter Scott's Monument, Edinburgh; as it appeared when nearly finished, in October 1844, October 1844
William Henry Fox Talbot
Arthur Hallam, c. 1893
Henry Herschel Hay Cameron
Untitled (Eight Atalanta Crewmen), July 30, 1856
View at Girgeh, Upper Egypt, 1857
Francis Frith
Roaring River Falls, Kings River Canyon, 1925
Ansel Adams
A Stiff Pull, (Suffolk), c. 1883/87, printed 1888
Peter Henry Emerson
Dunes, Oceano, 1936, printed 1953/54
Edward Weston
Holy Name Cathedral, 1957
James Marchael
Nude, 1936, printed c. 1953
Edward Weston
Encampment of Horse Artillery, 1855
Roger Fenton
A Yard Crew Keeps Warm and Waits Between Jobs in a Converted Car in the Yard, No. 6 from the portfolio "Railroad Men", c. 1957