Abstract Cityscape, 1924
Léopold Survage
Yellow Hickory Leaves with Daisy, 1928
Georgia O'Keeffe
Tureen, 1810/20
Creil Pottery
Fireplace Surround, 1901
George Washington Maher
PH-246, 1951/52
Clyfford Still
Dance Staff, Late 19th/early 20th century
Soap Bubble Set, 1948
Joseph Cornell
Opening at the Museum of Modern Art Buenos Aires, 1963
Sameer Makarius
Dragon-Handled Amphora 三彩双龙耳瓶, Tang dynasty, (A.D. 618–907), 1st half of 8th century 唐 (公元 618-907),八世纪前半段
Handle Spout Jug with Quadruped Motifs, 100 BCE–500 CE
In the Magic Mirror, 1934
Paul Klee
Ise, from an untitled series of Thirty-six Immortal Poets, c. 1767/68
Suzuki Harunobu
Lady in Green and Gray, 1911
Thomas Wilmer Dewing
The Petitions [right part], 1607/30
Antoine Caron
Great Bridge at Senju, 1913
Tobari Kogan
Goldweight Depicting a Chameleon, Mid–19th/mid–20th century
Jazz Bowl, c. 1931
Viktor Schreckengost
Life Cast of the Hands and Face of Abraham Lincoln, Cast in plaster 1860; cast in bronze by 1888
Leonard Wells Volk
Soap Bubble Set, 1940 (reworked 1953)
Joseph Cornell
Twelve Jackies, 1964
Andy Warhol