O'Hare Field Master Plan, Illinois, Presentation Drawing, Aerial View, 1952
Ralph Burke Associates
Empire Room Lobby, Palmer House Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, Interior Perspective, 1925
Holabird and Roche
Capital with Lions, 1100/1150
Settlement Units Density Studies, Aerial Perspective, c. 1943
Ludwig Karl Hilberseimer
ABC Office Building, New York City, New York, Elevation, Plan, and Model View, 1988
Bertrand Goldberg
Spandrel Panel from the Gage Building, Chicago, Illinois, 1898–99 (removed 1955)
Louis H. Sullivan
Plan of Chicago, Plate 63, Plan of a Proposed Park, 1909
Daniel Hudson Burnham
Coonley, Avery, House: Leaded Glass Window, 1908
Frank Lloyd Wright
Sheet of Sketches: Architectural and Erotic Drawings, n.d.
Pierre Antoine Mongin
United Airlines Terminal: Interior Perspective View of Concourse, 1985
Murphy/Jahn Architects
The Fountains, 1787/88
Hubert Robert
Schlesinger and Mayer Company Store: Section of a Screen from Third Floor Writing Room, 1899/1904
Louis H. Sullivan
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, Library and Administration Building Proposal, c. 1944
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Spring, 1923–24
Georgia O'Keeffe
Gene and Nancy Bavinger House: Plan of Lower Level Showing Water Garden, 1950/51
Bruce Alonzo Goff
Stewart–Bentley Building, Chicago, Illinois, Elevation and Exterior Wall Section, 1872
Carter, Drake and Wight
Tavern Club: Female Head, c. 1937
Lora Marx
Circular Ventilator Grille from the Francis Apartments, Chicago, Illinois, 1895 (demolished 1971)
Frank Lloyd Wright
860-880 North Lake Shore Drive, First Floor Plan, 1949
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
The Birth and the First Seven Steps of the Buddha, Kushan period, about 2nd/3rd century