Khusraw Parviz Enthroned in a Garden (painting, recto; text, verso), folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Gushtaham and Banduy Blind Hurmuzd (painting, recto; text, verso), folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
The Trial by Fire of Siyavush (painting, verso; text, recto), folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Illuminated frontispiece (illuminated text, recto; text, verso), left-hand side of a bifolio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
View of the Campus Martius, 1720 - 1778
Giovanni Battista Piranesi
Text (recto), Muzdalifa and al-Mash`ar al-Haram (painting with text, verso), folio 29 from a Manuscript of a Majmu`a of Persian Texts.
Text folio with illuminated margin (text with illuminated margin recto, text verso of folio 5) from a manuscript of prayer
Text folio with an illuminated caption and a section marker (text recto, text verso of folio 29) from a manuscript of prayer
Text folio with a heading in gold (text recto, text heading in gold verso of folio 131) from a manuscript of Subhat al-abrar by Jami
Brown and Gold: Lillie "In our Alley!", 1834 - 1903
James Abbott McNeill Whistler
Untitled (Full-length portrait of a woman wearing an American flag and brandishing a small saber), 1834 - 1993
Thomas Rice Burnham
Tiger Attacking a Peacock, 1796 - 1875
Antoine Louis Barye
Khamsa-yi Ashraf by Mawlana Ashraf of Maragha
Story of Iraj's Journey to Meet with His Brothers and His Death at Their Hands (text, recto and verso), folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Murder of Iraj (painting, recto; text, verso), folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Burzuy Brings Nushirvan the Book of Kalila and Dimna (painting, recto; text, verso), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Double page: The Trial by Fire of Siyavush (painting, verso; text, recto), left-hand side of a double-page painting from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Double page: The Trial by Fire of Siyavush (painting, verso; text, recto), right-hand side of a double-page painting from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Story of Piran Convincing Siyavush to Take Farangis as his Wife (text, recto and verso), folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Preparations for the Wedding of Farangis and Siyavush (painting, recto; text, verso), folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi