Courtier Visiting Lover with text beginning "He hid by the brushwood fence and looked in expectantly..." (Machikaki shibagaki no moto ni tachikakurete mitareba...), from the series The Changelings (Torikaeba monogatari), with poem by Warakuen Harumitsu, 1757 - 1820
Kubo Shunman 窪俊満
One Large, Two Medium-Sized and Two Small Butterflies with text beginning "Tokimune ga...", from the series An Illustrated Collection of Butterflies for the Kasumi Group (Kasumi-ren gunchō gafu), poems by Dento Fuso and associates, 1757 - 1820
Kubo Shunman 窪俊満
Zodiac from the Castle Water Clock (painting, recto; text, verso), folio from a manuscript of the Kitab fi Ma 'rifat al-Hiyal al-Handasiya (Book of the Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices), 14th century
Ushabti belonging to an unknown ancient Egyptian person
Ushabti belonging to an unknown ancient Egyptian person
H. I. M., the Empress Dowager of China, Cixi (1835-1908), 1855 - 1935
Hubert Vos
Analogia I, 1936 - 2002
Victor Grippo
Illustrated Liturgical Manuscript of Chants in the Pali Language Written in Khom Bali Script and Phra Malai Recitations in Thai Language Written in Khom Thai Script, with Illustrations of the Ten Jatakas and Life of the Buddha
Palm Leaf Manuscript bound in Wooden Book Covers with Painted Foliate Designs
Sri Lankan
The Maharajah of Kota, Members of Court, Attendants, and the Englishman James Tod
Funeral Procession of the Virgin, 1400 - 1471
Jacopo Bellini
Grave Stele of a Young Girl, "Melisto"
The Miracle of the Sacred Fire, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 1827 - 1910
William Holman Hunt
Bell Krater (bowl for mixing wine and water): Bouzyges and the Plow
Attributed to The Hephaistos Painter
Temperance, 1571 - 1631
Jacob Matham
The Golden Bough, 1607 - 1677
Wenceslaus Hollar
Le Stryge, 1821 - 1868
Charles Meryon
The Return, 1836 - 1902
James Tissot
The Fatted Calf, 1836 - 1902
James Tissot
Untitled (notes, left page); Untitled (notes, right page), 1928 - 2014