Housing, Industrial: United States. New Jersey. Roebling: Industrial Housing, Row Dwellings Brick Construction: John A. Roebling's Sons Company Roebling, New Jersey: Type No. 13 (60 houses). Two-story, six rooms and bath; built in rows of ten with four different floor plans to the row. Steam heat and electric lights. Cypress trim stained and varnished. Dimensions of each house 16' x 28' with a 12' x 14' two-story extension. Rent $11 per month.
Unidentified Artist
The Trio, Tokyo, Japan, 1848 - 1933
Lilla Cabot Perry
Brown and Gold: Lillie "In our Alley!", 1834 - 1903
James Abbott McNeill Whistler
In the Simplon Valley, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Fisher Folk in Dory, 1836 - 1910
Winslow Homer
Old Doorway, Venice, 1840 - 1930
Charles Herbert Moore
View of the Arch of Constantine, seen from the Colosseum, c. 1610 - 1652
Jan Asselijn
Study for "Frieze of the Angels," Boston Public Library, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Study of the Head of the Sleeping Saint Ursula, after Carpaccio, in the Academy of Venice, 1840 - 1930
Charles Herbert Moore
Fac-simile of a Portion of an Altar-Picture Representing the Madonna Enthroned, Surrounded by Saints and Angels, by Fra Angelico, in the Florence Academy, 1840 - 1930
Charles Herbert Moore
Santa Maria Novella, Florence, Italy, 1843 - 1917
Henry Roderick Newman
Design for Matting; verso: Design for Panelling, 1834 - 1903
James Abbott McNeill Whistler
Note in Black and Grey, 1834 - 1903
James Abbott McNeill Whistler
Nocturne in Black and Gold: Rag Shop, Chelsea, 1834 - 1903