Title Page of "The Hunger Artist", 1943 - 1987
Christopher Wilmarth
Sketch for "Baptiste (Longing)"; verso: blank, 1943 - 1987
Christopher Wilmarth
Reclining figure; verso: blank, 1943 - 1987
Christopher Wilmarth
Sketch for "Wyoming"; verso: blank, 1943 - 1987
Christopher Wilmarth
Experimentation on fabric; verso: blank, 1943 - 1987
Christopher Wilmarth
Maquette for "Orange Delta for A.P.S.," 1973, 1943 - 1987
Christopher Wilmarth
Maquette for "Alba Sweeps" from Barbara Jakobsen Commission file, 1972-73, 1943 - 1987
Christopher Wilmarth
Maquette for "Normal Corner (New)," 1973, 1943 - 1987
Christopher Wilmarth
Maquette for "Passing Blue," 1973, 1943 - 1987
Christopher Wilmarth
Maquette for "Normal Corner (New)," 1973, 1943 - 1987
Christopher Wilmarth
Calling, 1943 - 1987
Christopher Wilmarth
Yolande, 1943 - 1987
Christopher Wilmarth
Calling, 1943 - 1987
Christopher Wilmarth
Still Life with Oranges, Pomegranates, Grapes, Chestnuts, Medlars and Ears of Wheat, 1631 - 1695
Cornelis Jansz de Heem
Bishop Cyril
Unidentified Artist
Mask of Hanako (1868-1945), 1840 - 1917
Auguste Rodin
Séverine (Caroline Remy, 1855-1929), 1840 - 1917
Auguste Rodin
The Thinker, 1840 - 1917
Auguste Rodin
Hands, 1840 - 1917
Auguste Rodin
Le Baiser, 1840 - 1917
Auguste Rodin