Pair of Standing, Helmeted, Armor-Clad, Bearded Guardian Warriors, One with Mouth Open, One with Mouth Closed, Each with Pointed Boots and a Hand Raised to Waist Level as if Grasping a Lance or Spear, and Standing on a Rocky Base from which Protrude the Head and Tail of a Snake
Pair of Standing, Helmeted, Armor-Clad Guardian Warriors, Each with One Arm Raised and One at the Side, and Both Hands Clenched as if Holding Weapons, One Figure with Mouth Closed and Wearing Straw Shoes, One with Mouth Open and Wearing Pointed Boots
Portrait of the Greek Orator Demosthenes
Bust of Balzac, 1840 - 1917
Auguste Rodin
Christ at the Column
Unidentified Artist
Head of Balzac, 1840 - 1917
Auguste Rodin
Medicine Buddha (Chinese, Yaoshi Rulai) Seated on a Lotus Pedestal and Holding a Small Medicine Jar in His Left Hand
Standing Lokapala Guardian Figure with Proper Right Arm Raised
Man with a Broken Nose, 1840 - 1917
? Auguste Rodin
Two Striding, Armor-Clad, Bearded Warriors Wearing Helmets with Protective Neck and Ear Flaps, One with Mouth Open, One with Mouth Closed, Their Hands Positioned to Hold Weapons
Two Standing, Armor-Clad Archers, Each Wearing Boots, a Scaled 'Liangdang' Breastplate, a Pointed, Vertically Fluted Helmet, and an Arrow-Filled Quiver, and Each with His Right Hand Positioned at His Chest, Left Hand at His Side
Kneeling Female Figure Beating a Circular Drum on a Stand in the Form of a Kneeling Human with a Bird's Beak (or Wearing a Bird Mask)
Two Standing Male Figures, Each Wearing a Triple-Peaked Hat with Protective Neck Flap, One Figure Wearing a Cape, His Hands at His Side, and the Other with His Right Arm Raised, His Left at His Side
Equestrian Male Figure Positioned to Shoot a Bow and Arrow, and Mounted on a Saddled, Prancing Horse
Two Standing, Mustachioed Male Figures, Each Wearing a Cape and a Full, Rounded Hat with Protective Neck and Ear Flap, and Each with His Hands Clasped at the Waist and Concealed under His Cape
Pair of Guardian Creatures with Spiked Spines, One with a Human Face, One with a Feline Face
Two Standing Court Attendants, Each Wearing a 'Liangdang' Breastplate and Official's Headgear, and Each with His Hands Clasped at His Waist
Three Capped Men Kneeling around a Low Table and Playing 'Liubo'
Miniature Rectangular Pillow with Stylized Floral Decoration