Head of Perseus, after Canova
Unidentified Artist
Niobe, after antiquity, 1739 - 1816
Nathaniel Marchant
Olympic Hercules, after antiquity
Unidentified Artist
Homer, after antiquity, 1697 - 1829
Pichler family
Doves, after a mosaic
Unidentified Artist
Laocoön, after antiquity
Unidentified Artist
Cupid Riding an Eagle Symbolizing Air, after Thorwaldsen, 19th c.
Bonfiglio Zaccagnini
Day, after Thorwaldsen, 1773 - 1854
Luigi Pichler
Seneca Opening his Veins in the Bath, after antiquity
Unidentified Artist
Cupid on Pegasus, after antiquity, 1697 - 1829
Pichler family
Madonna of the Chair, after Raphael, 19th c.
L. Zirotti
Nessus and Deianera, after Thorwaldsen
Unidentified Artist
The Capitoline Wolf Suckling Romulus and Remus, after antiquity
Unidentified Artist
A Young Bride with the Pronuba, from a Roman painting, 1739 - 1816
Nathaniel Marchant
Bacchante, after antiquity
Unidentified Artist
Oedipus on Mt. Citerone, after Mengs, 1697 - 1829
Pichler family
Wounded Gladiator, after antiquity, 1697 - 1829
Pichler family
Meleager, after antiquity
Unidentified Artist
Lion, after Canova
Unidentified Artist
Helen, after Canova
Unidentified Artist