Scallop Block, born 1951
Arlene Shechet
Strawberry Plate, born 1951
Arlene Shechet
Swim, born 1951
Arlene Shechet
Top it off with a Swan, born 1951
Arlene Shechet
Tumbling Vases, born 1951
Arlene Shechet
Wasabi Plate (Head on Plate 1), born 1951
Arlene Shechet
Cock Plate (Head on a Plate 8), born 1951
Arlene Shechet
Sexy Baby Eyes, born 1951
Arlene Shechet
Endogene Depression V, 1932 - 1998
Wolf Vostell
Mix and Match, born 1951
Arlene Shechet
Head of the Gorgon Medusa from a Funerary Vessel
South Italian
Untitled (Everything or Nothing), born 1987
Sung Tieu
Commuters, born 1974
Ngozi Schommers
Add Two Add One Divide Two Divide One 1995-530, born 1935
Kim Yun Shin
Obol of Demetrios of Baktria, r. c. 200-190 BCE
Demetrios I of Baktria
Spool-shaped Pestle
Tetradrachm of Alexander the Great, Sardis, r. 336-323 BCE
Alexander III, the Great
Tetradrachm of Aesillas as Quaestor in Macedonia, Thessalonike
Issued by Aesillas