Untitled (monkey riding tricycle)
Jack Gould
Sage Riding Ox by a Stream, 1653 - 1718
Kano Tanshin 狩野探信
Soldiers on Horseback Riding into a Town, 1823 - 1872
August Beck
Man Seated on a Rockwork Throne
Coin of Seuthes III of Thrace, r. c. 330-300 BCE
Seuthes III
Stater of Kelenderis
Stater of Kelenderis
Drachm (?) of Pharsalos
Coin of Thyateira under the Romans
Roman Provincial
A Man Reading a Book While Riding an Ox, 1780-1850
Totoya Hokkei 魚屋北渓
Krishna and Radha Riding a Camel Composed of Dancers
The Donkey Ride, 1836 - 1875
Arthur Boyd Houghton
Woman Riding Horseback Along a Rocky Road, 18th-19th centuries
Anton Kölbl
Man Riding an Ass Along the Shore of a River, active c. 1780-1804
J. L. L. C. Zentner
Intaglio Gem with Nude Boy Riding Dolphin (?)
Putto Riding a Horse-like Sea Monster
Unidentified Artist
Red Riding Hood: The Hunter Slays the Wolf, 1863 - 1896
Edward Martin Taber
Untitled (soldiers riding in open Jeep, Vietnam), 1945 - 1984
Gordon W. Gahan