Recreation, Parks and Playgrounds: Great Britian, England. Liverpool. Playgrounds and Gardens: Social Conditions in Liverpool, England, 1903: Saint Peter's Gardens.
Unidentified Artist
Recreation, Parks and Playgrounds: Great Britian, England. Liverpool. Playgrounds and Gardens: Social Conditions in Liverpool, England, 1903: Saint Peter's Gardens.
Unidentified Artist
Recreation, Parks and Playgrounds: Great Britian, England. Liverpool. Playgrounds and Gardens: Social Conditions in Liverpool, England, 1903: Saint Martin's Playground.
Unidentified Artist
Recreation, Parks and Playgrounds: Great Britain, England. Liverpool. Playgrounds and Gardens: Social Conditions in Liverpool, England, 1903: Church - small park.
Unidentified Artist
Recreation, Parks and Playgrounds: Great Britain, England. London. Playgrounds and Parks: Social Conditions in London, England, 1903: Battersea - Cricket Pitch.
Unidentified Artist
Recreation, Park and Playgrounds: United States. New York. New York City. Mulberry Park: New York City Parks and Playgrounds
Unidentified Artist
Recreation, Parks and Playgrounds: Great Britain, England. London. Playgrounds and Parks: Social Conditions in London, England, 1903: Battersea - Childrens' Playground.
Unidentified Artist
Recreation, Outings: Belgium. Antwerp. "Diesterweg," Vacation School Colony: Onderwijsvereeniging "Diesterweg". Hulpkas voor Behoeftige Schoolkinderen. Schoolkoloniën van 1900
Unidentified Artist
Frank Residence, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1939-1940: Recreation room cases: plan, elevation, sections, and details (1 1/2" = 1'-0" and full size ), 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Recreation, Parks and Playgrounds: Great Britain, England. London. Playgrounds and Parks: Social Conditions in London, England, 1903: Battersea - Childrens' Playground.
Unidentified Artist
Recreation, Parks and Playgrounds: Great Britain, England. London. Playgrounds and Parks: Social Conditions in London, England, 1903: Battersea - Park, Lake.
Unidentified Artist
Recreation, Parks and Playgrounds: Great Britain, England. London. Playgrounds and Parks: Social Conditions in London, England, 1903: Battersea - Subtropical garden.
Unidentified Artist
Recreation, Parks and Playgrounds: Great Britain, England. London. Playgrounds and Parks: Social Conditions in London, England, 1903: Battersea - Park Lake.
Unidentified Artist
Recreation, Parks and Playgrounds: Great Britain, England. London. Playgrounds and Parks: Social Conditions in London, England, 1903: Battersea - Park Roadway.
Unidentified Artist
Recreation, Parks and Playgrounds: Great Britain, Scotland. Glasgow. Public Park: Social Conditions in Glasgow, Scotland, 1903: Park bowling green.
Unidentified Artist
Recreation, Parks and Playgrounds: Great Britain, Scotland. Glasgow. Public Park: Social Conditions in Glasgow, Scotland, 1903: Winter garden - interior.
Unidentified Artist
Recreation, Parks and Playgrounds: Holland. Amsterdam. Playgrounds: Social Conditions in Amsterdam, Holland, 1903: Utilization of small canal for decorative purpose in park.
Unidentified Artist
Recreation, Art: Great Britain, England. London. Outdoor Art: Social Conditions in London England, 1903: Tablet - Saint Jude Church.
Unidentified Artist
Recreation, Parks and Playgrounds: Great Britain, Scotland. Glasgow. Public Park: Social Conditions in Glasgow, Scotland, 1903: Park - Bowling Green.
Unidentified Artist
Recreation, Parks and Playgrounds: Great Britain, Scotland. Glasgow. Public Park: Social Conditions in Glasgow, Scotland, 1903: Football grounds on common.
Unidentified Artist