Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo (Kibatan ōmu), from the series At the Zoological Garden (Dobutsuen), 1876 - 1950
Yoshida Hiroshi
No. 11, from the series Primary Education: Manners for Women, Explained in Pictures (Shōgaku joreishiki zukai), 1853 - 1902
Adachi Ginkō 安達吟光
Rules for the Department of Young Ladies (Shōgaku Joreishiki zukai), 1853 - 1902
Adachi Ginkō 安達吟光
Rules for the Department of Young Ladies (Shōgaku Joreishiki zukai), 1853 - 1902
Adachi Ginkō 安達吟光
Rules for the Department of Young Ladies (Shōgaku Joreishiki zukai), 1853 - 1902
Adachi Ginkō 安達吟光
Rules for the Department of Young Ladies (Shōgaku Joreishiki zukai), 1853 - 1902
Adachi Ginkō 安達吟光
Rules for the Department of Young Ladies (Shōgaku Joreishiki zukai), 1853 - 1902
Adachi Ginkō 安達吟光
Fukuchi Gen'ichirō, from the series Instructive Models of Lofty Ambition (Kyōdō risshi motoi), 1847 - 1915
Kobayashi Kiyochika 小林清親
Rules for the Department of Young Ladies (Shōgaku Joreishiki zukai), 1853 - 1902
Adachi Ginkō 安達吟光
Rules for the Department of Young Ladies (Shōgaku Joreishiki zukai), 1853 - 1902
Adachi Ginkō 安達吟光
Rules for the Department of Young Ladies (Shōgaku Joreishiki zukai), 1853 - 1902
Adachi Ginkō 安達吟光
Rules for the Department of Young Ladies (Shōgaku Joreishiki zukai), 1853 - 1902
Adachi Ginkō 安達吟光
Rules for the Department of Young Ladies (Shōgaku Joreishiki zukai), 1853 - 1902
Adachi Ginkō 安達吟光
Rules for the Department of Young Ladies (Shōgaku Joreishiki zukai), 1853 - 1902
Adachi Ginkō 安達吟光
Illustrated Book of Senryūdō (Hall of the Concealed Dragon): Volume on Landscapes (Senryūdō gafu), Volume 1 of 5
Takizawa Kiyoshi
Triptych: Imperial Fleet Firing a Cannon Near Haiyang Island (Kaiyōtō fukin teikoku gunkan happō no zu), 1866 - 1909
Mizuno Toshikata
Rules for the Department of Young Ladies (Shōgaku Joreishiki zukai), 1853 - 1902
Adachi Ginkō 安達吟光
Rules for the Department of Young Ladies (Shōgaku Joreishiki zukai), 1853 - 1902
Adachi Ginkō 安達吟光
Rules for the Department of Young Ladies (Shōgaku Joreishiki zukai), 1853 - 1902
Adachi Ginkō 安達吟光
Rules for the Department of Young Ladies (Shōgaku Joreishiki zukai), 1853 - 1902
Adachi Ginkō 安達吟光