No. 132 Wharf at the Paglia Bridge (Venice)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (H.M.S. Sultan, Malta)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (H.M.S. Sultan, Malta)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (garden scene)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (unidentified man holding the bridle of a saddled horse)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (group of men on scaffolding, buildings in the background)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (several small groups seated on seaside promenade, buildings to right)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (group of people seated by bandbox on seaside promenade in unidentified locale)
Unidentified Artist
No. 34 Island of St. George (Venice)
Unidentified Artist
No. 151, Priest's Court, Venice
Unidentified Artist
No. 93 San Girolamo Canal
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (scene in a gondola on a Venetian canal from a painting by Paoletti)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (view of ship's hull in drydock)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (H.M.S. Sultan, in drydock, Malta)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (H.M.S. Sultan, Malta)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (unidentified interior)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (unidentified landscape)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (group of men in military uniform labeled, Colonel Bayly CB & Officers "The Black Watch")
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (native officers, H.M.S. 8th Regiment, B.N.I [Bengal Native Infantry])
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (man standing in garden by tree, statue in water feature in foreground, statue of woman in background)
Unidentified Artist