Untitled (abstract composition), in "Der Weg 1" (January 1919), active early 20th century
Hilde Wolf
Portrait of Alois Wach, in "Der Weg 1" (January 1919), 1888 - 1954
Fritz Schaefler
Untitled (figures running), in "Der Weg 1" (January 1919), 1888 - 1954
Fritz Schaefler
Horse, in "Der Weg 1" (January 1919), 1888 - 1954
Fritz Schaefler
Poems and Wood Engravings by Alfonso Ossorio, 1916 - 1990
Alfonso Ossorio
Untitled (the way), in "Der Weg 1" (January 1919), 1888 - 1954
Fritz Schaefler
Picture Book of Modern Figures of Fashion (Ehon imayō sugata), vol. 1, 1769 - 1825
Utagawa Toyokuni 歌川豊国
Picture Book of Selected Insects (Ehon mushi erami), vol. 1, d. 1806
Kitagawa Utamaro 喜多川歌麿
Illustrated Book of Industries (Tenkō Kaibutsu) in 9 volumes, based on Chinese Original
Illustrated Views of Kyoto (Karaku saiken zu), 15 Volumes
Untitled (field with two men standing to right mountain in background labeled Mountain View Dals(?))
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (view of house with nine figures in foreground labeled Ball(?) Manse)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (landscape with stream or river labeled Dough(?) Glen)
Unidentified Artist
Cairo, Gezireh Palace, 1831 - 1885
Félix Bonfils
Cairo, Facade and Veranda at Shepheard's Hotel, 1831 - 1885
Félix Bonfils
Untitled ("I am Ready! How about You - I'm Waiting")
Unidentified Artist
Edge of the Nile and Palm Trees
Unidentified Artist
Avenue of the Pyramids, 1831 - 1885
Félix Bonfils
Untitled (a pleasure boat on the Nile)
Unidentified Artist
Picture Book of Selected Insects (Ehon mushi erami), vol. 2, d. 1806
Kitagawa Utamaro 喜多川歌麿