Illustrated Guide to the Ise Pilgrimage (Ise sangū meisho zue), vol. 1, 1747 - 1797
Shitomi Kangetsu
Illustrated Guide Book of Famous Places of Nara (Nanto meisho shū), volumes 1-2 bound as one volume
X-radiograph(s) of "Feast of bacchus or of the Gods", c. 1459 - 1516
Artist of original: Giovanni Bellini
X-radiograph(s) of "Portrait of a Man", c. 1485 - after 1547
Artist of original: Giovanni Cariani
Actor Segawa Kikunojō 3rd as a Shakkyo Dancer, 1743 - 1812
Katsukawa Shunkō
Uba Shizu of Nabeshima Praying Under a Waterfall from the series Zen Aku Sanjuroku Bijin (Thirty-six Virtuous or Evil Beauties), 1835 - 1900
Toyohara Kunichika
Wrestler Otowazan Minezaemon, 1770 - 1820
Katsukawa Shuntei
Two Actors, 1786 - 1864
Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞
View of Mariakerk in Utrecht from the South, 1606 - 1669
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn
Music-Making Angel; verso: Profile Head of a Youth Wearing a Cap, c. 1450 - 1523
Perugino (Pietro Vannucci)
Reclining Woman, 1880 - 1938
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Railroad Station, Konigstein im Taunus, 1880 - 1938
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Design for a Medieval Fountain
Unidentified Artist
Printing Block: Pages Twenty Seven (recto and verso) and Twenty Eight (recto and verso) of the Appendix to the Collected Literary Works of Hunsu Sŏnsaeng [Hun-su Sŏn-saeng mun-jip, pu-rok, i-sip-ch'il, i-sip-p'al]
Baroque Flowers: sprig with 3 dahlia-like blooms, 3 horn-shaped blooms, and 5 small hemi-pods. Chinoiserie floral print design, Louis XVI period, late 18th century. Indienne fabric pattern for Oberkampf printworks at Jouy, 1755 - 1828
Carl Ernst Christoph Hess
Door God: Heavenly Official Presenting a Banner Reading "Wan Fu Lai Chao" ("Plentiful Blessings Are Arriving")
Baroque Flowers: sprig with insectoid blooms and leaves: 2 roses, 4 moth-like blooms, 4 moth-like buds. Chinoiserie floral print design, Louis XVI period, late 18th century. Indienne fabric pattern, Oberkampf printworks at Jouy, 1755 - 1828
Carl Ernst Christoph Hess
Sekidera Komachi, from the series Fashionable Beauties as the Seven Komachi (Fūryū bijin nana Komachi), 1787 - 1867
Kikugawa Eizan 菊川英山
Untitled (photo montage labeled "Exeter College"; verso: photograph labeled "Effect of the Passing of Mr. Bouveris's Bill for the Abolition of Tests on the Fellows of a College in Oxford."), 1845-1903