Primer on Eight Varieties of Paintings (Hasshu gafu) in 5 volumes
Illustrated Guide to the Ise Pilgrimage (Ise sangū meisho zue), vol. 2, 1747 - 1797
Shitomi Kangetsu
Illustrated Guide to the Ise Pilgrimage (Ise sangū meisho zue), vol. 5, part 1, 1747 - 1797
Shitomi Kangetsu
Illustrated Guide to the Ise Pilgrimage (Ise sangū meisho zue), vol. 5, part 2, 1747 - 1797
Shitomi Kangetsu
Illustrated Guide Book of Famous Places of Nara (Nanto meisho shū), volumes 3-5 bound as one volume
Illustrated Guide Book of Famous Places of Nara (Nanto meisho shū), volumes 6-8 bound as one volume
Illustrated Guide Book of Famous Places of Nara (Nanto meisho shū), volumes 9-10 bound as one volume
Secrets of Ladies Toilet (Joshi fuzoku kesho hiden), 1760 - 1823
Hayami Shungyôsai
Secrets of Ladies Toilet (Joshi fuzoku kesho hiden), 1760 - 1823
Hayami Shungyôsai
Annual Record of Eastern Capital (Toto saijiki), 1778 - 1843
Hasegawa Settan
[Saikoku sanjūsankasho] Kannon reijōki zu e
Ehon Asa-murasaki, 1739 - 1820
Kitao Shigemasa
A Collection of Verses with Illustrations by Gakutei (Shunko cho)
Thirty Eight Country and Domestic Scenes
Secrets of Ladies Toilet (Joshi fuzoku kesho hiden), 1760 - 1823
Hayami Shungyôsai
Housewife Picture Book (Ehon iori no tsuma)
Designs for Ranma (Ranma zushiki), Vol. 2
Indexed Book of Crests (Moncho zushiki komoku)
Album of Bird and Flower Paintings by Seitei (Seitei kachō gafu), 1851 - 1918
Watanabe Seitei 渡辺省亭
Sketches of Birds and Flowers and Landscapes (Kacho sansui zushiki), 1821 - 1880
Katsushika Sōji (Isai)