Untitled (Buddhist pilgrims with portable altar), 1841 - 1934
Possibly Kusakabe Kimbei
119 Judicial Hara-Kiri, 1841 - 1898
Adolfo Farsari
Untitled (tea pouring), 1841 - 1934
Possibly by Kusakabe Kimbei
Tea House and Plum Blossoms at Sugita near Yokohama
Unidentified Artist
C53 Japanese Shoe Shop
Unidentified Artist
Homage of Sudhana: Portraits of Bodhisattvas
Water Tower, born 1954
Charles Ritchie
Catching Firefly
Unidentified Artist
The Earth Spider Generates Monsters at the Mansion of Lord Minamoto Yorimitsu (Minamoto Yorimitsu [Raikō] kō no yakata ni tsuchigumo yōkai o nasu zu), 1798 - 1861