Races, Immigration: United States. New York. New York City. Immigrant Station: Regulation of Immigration at the Port of Entry, United States Immigrant Station, New York City., active 1900s
J. H. Adams
Courtesans Matsushima of the Matsubaya and Yashio of the Ogiya, 1787 - 1867
Kikugawa Eizan 菊川英山
Moon Viewing at Shinagawa, 1786 - 1864
Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞
Taira no Kiyomori Holding Back the Sun, from the series Mirror of Famous Generals of Japan (Dai Nippon meishō kagami), 1839 - 1892
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi 月岡芳年
Snow Viewing at Imado, 1786 - 1864
Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞
Tosei Mitate Sanju Rokkasen, 1786 - 1864
Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞
Space, 1911 - 1995
Yoshida Tōshi 吉田遠志
Courtesans Matsushima of the Matsubaya and Yashio of the Ogiya, 1787 - 1867
Kikugawa Eizan 菊川英山
Poems Dedicated to the Eleven-Headed Kannon of Jōdo-ji (Jōdo-ji Kannon Tamukeuta), 1579 - 1638
Karasumaru Mitsuhiro
Paper Fluxwork, born 1939
Willem de Ridder
Flux Wall Poem, 1943 - 1993
Paul Sharits
Untitled (two views of Oxford, Exeter College Chapel; Schools and Bodleian Library, view from above; verso: group of three women with dog, Auckland Castle (Durham) 1858), 1845-1903
Iorwerth Grey Lloyd
Untitled (Group portrait of Exeter College "Torpid" (rowing team) 1865. Bow. C. H. Adams; 2. A. J. Pile; 3. C. E. Roberts; 4. W. B. Besley; 5. G. H. Morrell; 6. A. Lethbridge; 7. J. P. Young; Stroke, G. H. Swinny; Coxman, E. Kingdon; verso: Photo montage labeled "Exeter College Turl Street Front"), 1845-1903
Iorwerth Grey Lloyd
Untitled (photograph of a drawing labeled "Jove hurling Vulcan out of heaven." (Quod 'Dons' hominesque volunt); verso: two views of Oxford, St. Cross Church and churchyard, Holywell; Magdalen Bridge), 1845-1903
Iorwerth Grey Lloyd
Untitled (group portrait on grounds of Kennington Vicarage, August 21, 1869. Reverend F. M. Symonds, Miss Flora Wilson, Miss Ellen Lloyd, Mrs. Lloyd, Reverend H. R. Lloyd, Mrs. A.S. Longley, Reverend I. G. Lloyd, Miss Coffin, Mr. A.S. Longley, Miss Lloyd, Miss Wilson; verso: two views of Kennington Church interior, east and west), 1845-1903
Iorwerth Grey Lloyd
Untitled (Sevington Church near Ashford; verso: Canterbury Cathedral, South Transcept), 1845-1903
Iorwerth Grey Lloyd
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States. Ohio. Dayton. National Cash Register Company: Welfare Institutions of the National Cash Register Company, Dayton, Ohio.: Features Educational to Employes: Library
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States. Ohio. Dayton. National Cash Register Company: Welfare Institutions of the National Cash Register Company, Dayton, Ohio.: Employes' Homes: K Street
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States. Ohio. Dayton. National Cash Register Company: Welfare Institutions of the National Cash Register Company, Dayton, Ohio.: Primer and Manuel for Sales Agents
Unidentified Artist
The School Room, 1631/32 - 1664
Cornelis Bega