Port Scene With Twenty-Eight Figures, SIx Boats and Large Ruin, 1626 - 1683
Melchior Küsel
Abduction of Ganymede, 1607 - 1641
Johann Wilhelm Baur
Venus Mourns the Dead Adonis, 1607 - 1641
Johann Wilhelm Baur
Hesione Is Offered by Her Father Laomedon to a Sea Monster, 1607 - 1641
Johann Wilhelm Baur
Polyxena Is Sacrificed by the Greeks on the Grave of Achilles, 1607 - 1641
Johann Wilhelm Baur
Ceres Turns Stellio into a Lizard, 1607 - 1641
Johann Wilhelm Baur
Alpheus Pursues Arethusa, 1607 - 1641
Johann Wilhelm Baur
Sailors Are Transformed into Dolphins, 1607 - 1641
Johann Wilhelm Baur
The Mad Athamas Kills His Son Learchus, 1607 - 1641
Johann Wilhelm Baur
The Maenads Attack Orpheus, 1607 - 1641
Johann Wilhelm Baur
Polymestor Kills Polydorus, the Son of Priam, 1607 - 1641
Johann Wilhelm Baur
Circe Transforms the Companions of Picus into Wild Beasts, 1607 - 1641
Johann Wilhelm Baur
Nymphs Transform an Insolent Shepherd into a Wild Olive Tree, 1607 - 1641
Johann Wilhelm Baur
Pugna ad Osteruelam, 1567, 1607 - 1641
Johann Wilhelm Baur
Titlepage, Capricci of Various Battles, 1607 - 1641
Johann Wilhelm Baur
The Ashes of Memnon are Transformed into Birds, 1607 - 1641
Johann Wilhelm Baur
Circe Transforms Scylla into a Sea Monster, 1607 - 1641
Johann Wilhelm Baur
Titlepage, Garden Views, 1607 - 1641
Johann Wilhelm Baur
Persian Costumes, 1607 - 1641
Johann Wilhelm Baur
Spanish Costumes, 1607 - 1641
Johann Wilhelm Baur