Bauhaus Building, Dessau, 1925-1926: Aerial view, active 1919 - 1932
Junkers Luftbild-Zentrale
Bauhaus Building, Dessau, 1925-1926: View from the southwest
Unidentified Artist
Health, General: United States. Tennessee. Nashville: Tuberculosis, A Few Don'ts
Unidentified Artist
Social Revolution (?): United States. New York. Shaker Communities: Shaker Communities, United States: The American Shakers
Unidentified Artist
Bauhaus Building, Dessau, 1925-1926: View from the northwest
Unidentified Artist
Bauhaus Building, Dessau, 1925-1926: View from the northeast during construction
Unidentified Artist
Bauhaus Building, Dessau, 1925-1926: Technical school from the southwest during construction
Unidentified Artist
Barrel Vaulted Room, born 1953
James Casebere
Bauhaus Books No. 6 "Basic Principles of New Creative Art", 1895 - 1946
László Moholy-Nagy
Untitled (Cells/Sand), born 1964
Corinne Wasmuht
Red Meander, 1899 - 1994
Anni Albers
Triadic F, 1899 - 1994
Anni Albers
Charity, Organizations: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. Publicity for Social Work: Booklets: How Thousands of Men Make Their Leisure Hours Count!: Some Opportunites Open to You at the Boston Young Men's Christian Association
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Organizations: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. Publicity for Social Work: Booklets: Volunteer Varieties: Various Vocations for Volunteers in Social Work: The Volunteer Service Bureau: Auspices of the Boston Metropolitan Chapter American Red Cross.