The Ascent of the Pieterboth Mountain: Mauritius: October 13, 1864
B. Greene
Upi-t-ya-hde-a, Tail-Feather Joined. A Wa-pe-ton Sioux [Lakota] Chief. Dakota., 19th century
Negative by McClees Gallery
Peg-a-no-ke-shick, Hole In the Day. Head Chief of the Chippewas [Anishinabe]. Minnesota., 19th century
Negative by McClees Gallery
Pa-da-no-a-pa-pe, He Whom a Rockawee Struck. Head Chief of the Yankton Sioux [Lakota], Dakota., 19th century
Negative by McClees Gallery
Hin-han-du-ta, The Red Owl. A Chief of the Mde-wa-kan-ton Sioux [Lakota]. Dakota., 19th century
Negative by McClees Gallery
At-pe-tu-to ka-tsha, The Other Day. A Wa-pe-ton Sioux [Lakota] Warrior., 19th century
Negative by McClees Gallery
A-ha-ka ma-ni, The Walking Elk. A Yankton Sioux [Lakota] Warrior. Dakota., 19th century
Negative by McClees Gallery
Return from Russia, 1791 - 1824
Théodore Géricault
Portrait of Auguste Brunet, 1791 - 1824
Théodore Géricault
Illustration XLVIII: the 10th figure: John beholds a mighty angel whose feet are pillars of fire come down from heaven in a cloud. John eats the little book in the angel's hand (Revelation 10:1-11)., 16th century
Anonymous England 1539
Winter Landscape, 1863 - 1944
Edvard Munch
Portrait of Nicholas Lanier (copy after Lievens), 1607 - 1674
Jan Lievens
Church of St. Anne, Jerusalem, 1824 - 1872
Auguste Salzmann
Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Principal Entrance, Jerusalem, 1824 - 1872