Courtesan Hinazuru of the Chōjiya (Chōjiya Hinazuru), active 1780 - 1800
Hosoda Eishō (Chōkōsai)
The Courtesan Kasugano of Sasaya (Sasaya uchi Kasugano), from the series Contest of Tea House Beauties (Kakuchū bijin kurabe), active 1780 - 1800
Hosoda Eishō (Chōkōsai)
Hanaōgi of the Ōgiya with kamuro Yoshino and Tatsuta, from the series Contest of Designs in the Pleasure Quarters (Seirō moyō awase), 1756 - 1829
Chōbunsai Eishi 鳥文斎栄之
Clear Moonlight at Mitsumata (Mitsumata no meigetsu), from the series Eight Views of Edo (Edo hakkei), 1752 - 1815
Torii Kiyonaga
Actors Arashi Sangorō 2nd as Minamoto no Yoritomo disguised as Eboshi Ori (the Hat Maker) and Segawa Kikujirō 2nd as Yuki Onna (the Snow Woman) in the play Myōtogiku Izu no Kisewata at the Ichimura Theater from the eleventh month of 1770, active 1765 - 1792
Ippitsusai Bunchō
Courtesan and Lover Conversing Through the Bars of a Brothel, 1725-1770
Attributed to Suzuki Harunobu 鈴木春信
Poem with Woman Looking at Moon (Gotokudai-ji no Sadaijin), 1725-1770
Suzuki Harunobu 鈴木春信
Woman Gazing at the Moon (perhaps Murasaki Shikibu), 1725-1770
Suzuki Harunobu 鈴木春信
Youth and Girl Admiring the Full Moon (Kodomo no tamagusa), 1735 - 1790
Isoda Koryūsai 磯田湖龍齋
Calendar: Selling Fans, 1725-1770
Suzuki Harunobu 鈴木春信
Ono no Komachi from the series One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets (Hyakunin isshu), 1725-1770
Suzuki Harunobu 鈴木春信
Poetess Koshikibu, 1756 - 1829
Chōbunsai Eishi 鳥文斎栄之
Girl and Monkey Behind a Folding Screen, 1735 - 1790
Isoda Koryūsai 磯田湖龍齋
Kintarō Making Four Demons Draw Lots, 1752 - 1815
Torii Kiyonaga
Modern Beauty Practicing Jōruri Music (Tōsei jō jōruri), d. 1806
Kitagawa Utamaro 喜多川歌麿
Actors ōtani Hiroji 3rd and Sakata Sajūrō as Wrestlers with a Boy, active 1765 - 1792
Ippitsusai Bunchō
Calendar: Courtesan with Shōki (Chinese, Zhong Kui) the Demon Queller, 1725-1770
Suzuki Harunobu 鈴木春信
Poem by Saigū Nyōgo, from an untitled series of Thirty-six Poetic Immortals (Sanjūrokkasen), 1725-1770
Suzuki Harunobu 鈴木春信
Kintarō and Rabbit on the Shore, 1752 - 1815
Torii Kiyonaga
Evening Bell Under the Entry Tower (Yagura shita no banshō), from the series Eight Views of Fukagawa (Fūzoku Fukagawa hakkei), 1752 - 1815