"Acricola" design for floor covering from the portfolio "Surface Decoration", 1868 - 1918
Koloman Moser
"Goldfish" design for a wall hanging from the portfolio "Surface Decoration", 1868 - 1918
Koloman Moser
"Phantasos" design for floor covering from the portfolio "Surface Decoration", 1868 - 1918
Koloman Moser
"Silvanus" design for printed fabric from the portfolio "Surface Decoration", 1868 - 1918
Koloman Moser
"Aganippe" stenciled wall decoration from the portfolio "Surface Decoration", 1868 - 1918
Koloman Moser
"Arlette" design for silk fabric from the portfolio "Surface Decoration", 1868 - 1918
Koloman Moser
King Friedrich, 1807 - 1858
Eduard Kretzschmar
The Corridor, Plate II, 1935 - 2009
Michael Mazur
Portrait, Plate XII, 1935 - 2009
Michael Mazur
Plate X, 1881 - 1969
Karl Tomforde
Plate IX, 1881 - 1969
Karl Tomforde
Plate VIII, 1881 - 1969
Karl Tomforde
The Swing, Plate VIII, 1935 - 2009
Michael Mazur
Companions, Plate XIV, 1935 - 2009
Michael Mazur
Plate I, 1881 - 1969
Karl Tomforde
Plate II, 1881 - 1969
Karl Tomforde
Plate III, 1881 - 1969
Karl Tomforde
Plate IV, 1881 - 1969
Karl Tomforde
Plate V, 1881 - 1969
Karl Tomforde
The Occupant, Plate III, 1935 - 2009
Michael Mazur