Art Institute Chicago
Harvard art museum
My Exhibition
Unteres Mönchjoch, Grosse Gwächte, Walcherhorn und Gr. Fjescherhorn
Unidentified Artist
From Rimpfischhorn, lower peak of Rimpfischhorn, Monte Rosa, Lyskamm, Castor, Po
Unidentified Artist
From Rimpfischhorn
Unidentified Artist
Alphubel, Blick auf Taschhorn und Dom
Unidentified Artist
From Alphubel, Täschhorn, Dom and Süd Lenzspitze
Unidentified Artist
From Schwarzberg Weissthor, Pennine Alps
Unidentified Artist
From the Summit of the Aiguille de Grépon, the Northern Peak
Unidentified Artist
From the Col de la Seigne, Mont Blanc
Unidentified Artist
The Grépon arête: The Rock Tower, Mont Blanc Chain
Unidentified Artist
From the Brèche du Râteau, The Meize, Dauphiné
Unidentified Artist
From the Brèche du Râteau, The Meize, Dauphiné
Unidentified Artist
The Ober-Gabelhorn and the Dent Blanche, 1844 - 1923
George Perry Ashley Abraham
The Dent Blanche from the Matterhorn Hut, 1844 - 1923
George Perry Ashley Abraham
Panorama da S. Marino, Napoli
Unidentified Artist
The Dent d'Herens from near the Stockje looking S. by W., 1844 - 1923
George Perry Ashley Abraham
The Aiguille du Chardonnet and d'Argentière, from near the Flegérè, 1844 - 1923
George Perry Ashley Abraham
From the Brevent, 1844 - 1923
George Perry Ashley Abraham
From the Brévent, 1844 - 1923
George Perry Ashley Abraham
A view near the top of Mont Blanc, 1844 - 1923
George Perry Ashley Abraham
Looking S. by W., the Aiguille du Géant from the slopes of the Aiguille du Tacul, 1844 - 1923
George Perry Ashley Abraham