Untitled (bride and groom opening gifts)
Unidentified Artist
Sharon Breakstone at the Aggasiz Garden, 1937 - 2020
Elsa Dorfman
Untitled (couple with parents)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (bridal portrait)
Unidentified Artist
New York State (Trinity A. M. E. Zion Church), active 1960s
Peter Campbell
Oklahoma (Thee Pentecostal Holiness Church), active 1960s
Peter Campbell
Washington, D.C. (Bleeding Heart Bap. Church), active 1960s
Peter Campbell
Washington, D.C. (The Righteousness Church of Christ), active 1960s
Peter Campbell
Baltimore, Maryland (House of God, Gates of Heaven), active 1960s
Peter Campbell
Washington, D.C. (New Bethel Church of God in Christ), active 1960s
Peter Campbell
Washington, D.C. (The Church of the Living God), active 1960s
Peter Campbell
The Wedding (stereograph), 1827 - 1909
Benjamin West Kilburn
Bridal Party at General Butler's, Lowell, Mass., July 21st, 1870, active 1860s-1880s
S. Towle
Untitled (bride and groom)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (bride and groom), active 1880s-1900s
M. Goulart
Untitled (bride and groom), active 1880s-1900s
M. Goulart
Untitled (Henry Perry and his wife), active 1880s-1900s
M. Goulart
Untitled (bride and groom), active 1890s-1900s
Logemann's Studio
Untitled (bride and groom)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (bridal portrait)
Unidentified Artist