Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Russia, Finland. Imatra. Coöperative Society: Coöperative Societies, Finland: Co-operative Society, Imatra. Store and members. Small average membership owing to sparsely settled country.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Holland. Coöperative Dairies and Creameries: Coöperative Societies, Holland: The co-operative dairies of Holland in contrast with those of its neighbor, Germany, have proved of considerable success. The former produce almost four fifths of the butter in their country. The dairies seen above approximate each 180,000 kilograms (396,000 lb.) of butter yearly. There were 780 such co-operative dairies in Holland in 1914, producing 38,000,000 kilos (83,600,000 lbs.) of butter. International Co-operative Bulletin, July, 1914.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Holland. Coöperative Dairies and Creameries: Coöperative Societies, Holland
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Holland. Coöperative Dairies and Creameries: Coöperative Societies, Holland
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Russia, Finland. Helsingfors. Coöperative Wholesale Society: Coöperative Societies, Finland: Co-operative Wholesale Society, Helsingfors. Sale and sample room.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Russia, Finland. Kyrön. Coöperative Village Store: Coöperative Societies, Finland: Co-operative Society, Kyron. Modest village store showing local difficulties of transportation.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Spain. Barcelona. La Fraternidad: Coöperative Societies, Spain: La Fraternidad, Barcelona. This is a communistic society. Profits are divided in equal shares among members, new members receive no share in profits during their first year. No entrance fee is required. In case of urgent need one half of the capital share may be withdrawn by a member either in goods or money. From the profits an annual subsidy is given to an unsectarian private school, to which members may send their children free of charge; and pensions are provided for sick members.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Government: United States. New Jersey. Woodbury. Woodbury Bag Loading Plant: Governmental Agencies of House Construction. U.S. War Department, Industrial Service Section of the Ordnance Department, Housing Branch: Woodbury, New Jersey. Woodbury Bag Loading Plant: Dormitory No. 6 - Sitting Room (above).
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Government: United States. New Jersey. Woodbury. Woodbury Bag Loading Plant: Governmental Agencies of House Construction. U.S. War Department, Industrial Service Section of the Ordnance Department, Housing Branch: Woodbury, New Jersey. Woodbury Bag Loading Plant: Publishing and Supplies Department.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Government: United States. New Jersey. Woodbury. Woodbury Bag Loading Plant: Governmental Agencies of House Construction. U.S. War Department, Industrial Service Section of the Ordnance Department, Housing Branch: Woodbury, New Jersey. Woodbury Bag Loading Plant: Rustic Arbor and Pyramid in the Grounds surrounding the Welfare Cottage.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Europe. France. Paris: La Bellevilloise: Coöperative Societies, France: La Bellevillaise Socialist Coöperative Society in Paris 1907: Holiday Excursion of the Members and their Families, active c. 1890s
Edouard Cordonnier
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Europe. France. Paris: La Bellevilloise: Coöperative Societies, France: La Bellevillaise Socialist Coöperative Society in Paris 1907: Holiday Excursion of the Members and their Families, active c. 1890s
Edouard Cordonnier
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Belgium. Lokeren. Coöperative Fur-pulling Societies: Coöperative Societies, Belgium: Co-operative fur-pulling societies, Lokeren, Belgium.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Bulgaria. Sofia. "Bratski Tromd": Coöperative Societies, Bulgaria: Bratski Troud, Sofia.: A society of recent origin, run on the lines of the Rochdale system. It started with a grocery department, now has a dry goods department, and is making steady progress.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: France. Lille. "L'Union": Coöperative Societies, France: L'Union, Lille.: Founded 1892 by socialist workingmen. It began with a bakery supplying 36 members, has now in 1907, 6500 members consuming annually 3 million loaves of bread. 2% of the gross turnovers is deducted for social work. This includes in equal proportions grants to sick, injured, or needy members; grants to propagandist or educational work; and for the diffusion of socialist doctrines. Help to members is given in bread and groceries only; extending, if necessary, over a period of 12 weeks. This fund is also available during strikes, when members receive help in proportion to their purchases.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Europe. France. Paris: La Bellevilloise: Coöperative Societies, France: La Bellevillaise Socialist Coöperative Society in Paris 1907: Holiday Excursion of the Members and their Families, active c. 1890s
Edouard Cordonnier
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Austria. Vienna. Arbeiterkonsumverein: Coöperative Societies, Austria: Arbeiter Consumverein, Vienna
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Austria. Teplitz. Konsumverein: Coöperative Societies, Austria: Konsumverein, Teplitz.: This Society own a bakery and branch stores. It used to grant unlimited credit to members. On re-organization it ruled that no credit be allowed, and that shop-assistants must furnish a bond of $100. In case of death of a member or of his family a small grant is made in proportion to the amount of purchase. Non-members may not buy at the store, as this involves increased taxation by the State.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Belgium. Brussels. "Maison du Peuple": Coöperative Societies, Belgium: "Maison du Peuple," Socialist Coöperative Society of Brussels, Parade on occasion of The 25th Anniversary of the Society.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Belgium. Brussels. "Maison du Peuple": Coöperative Societies, Belgium: "Maison du Peuple" Socialist Coöperative Society of Brussels. Parade on occasion of The 25th Anniversary of the Society.: Floats Representing the Growth of the Coöperative Society and the Socialist Movement.
Unidentified Artist