Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Switzerland. Basel. Coöperative Union: Coöperative Societies, Switzerland: Co-operative Union, Basel. This Society acts also as a wholesale society, two-third of the total number of Swiss retail societies being federated in it. It publishes and distributes free to members 4 weekly and 2 fortnightly journals, 2 in German, 1 in French, 1 in Italian, for educational and propagandist purposes. It has its own laboratory for analyzing the goods it distributes.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Switzerland. Olten. Konsumverein: Coöperative Societies, Switzerland: Konsumverein, Olten.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: United States. Massachusetts. Maynard. Riverside Coöperative Association: Coöperative Societies, United States: Riverside Coöperative Association, Maynard, Mass.: Sovereigns of Industry Store, 1908.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: United States. Massachusetts. Maynard. Riverside Coöperative Association: Coöperative Societies, United States: Riverside Coöperative Association, Maynard, Mass.: Sovereigns of Industry Store, 1908.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Prevention of Accidents: Germany. Safety Devices in Various Manufacturing Plants: G. Luther, Maschinenfabrik und Mühlenbauanstalt, A.-G., Braunschweig.: Catching apparatus for cages, Luther' system.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Prevention of Accidents: Germany. Safety Devices in Various Manufacturing Plants: Gesellschaft des ächten Naxos-Schmirgels Naxos-Union. Schmirgel-Dampfwerk Frankfurt a. M., Julius Pfungst, Frankfurt a. M.: Energy grinding machine with safety cap and dust suction contrivance "Naxos" Union Company.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Prevention of Accidents: Germany. Safety Devices in Various Manufacturing Plants: Hiltmann & Lorenz, Aue i. Sa.: Metal-press with safety apparatus.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Types of Working People: Belgium. Bruges. Lace Makers: Social Conditions in Belgium: 1905: Belgian Lace-maker.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Types of Working People: Italy. Venice. Glassblowers; Lace Makers: Social Conditions in Venice, Italy: 1905: Types of Venetians.: Lace-Makers.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Unemployed, Labor Colonies: Germany. Bielefeld. Arbeiter-Kolonie "Wilhelmsdorf": Anstalt Bethel (Philanthropic Institutions established by Pastor von Bodelschwingh), Bielefeld, Germany: Labor colony founded by Pastor von Bodelschwinck. Wilhelmsdorf (near Bielefeld, Germany).: View of Farm Buildings.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Italy. Turin. Alleanza Cooperativa: Coöperative Societies, Italy: Theatre.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Switzerland. Geneva. Distributive Society: Coöperative Societies, Switzerland: Distributive Society, Geneva. Third largest society. 20 branch stores. Members can hold 1 share only; on joining must contribute to the reserve fund. Open to non-members also, who receive no share of the profits. No credit given. Stores of the Society close at 6 P.M. on Thursday. Employees receive 10% of total profits.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: United States. Massachusetts. Maynard. Riverside Coöperative Association: Coöperative Societies, United States: Riverside Coöperative Association, Maynard, Mass.: Sovereigns of Industry Store, 1908.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Switzerland. Bischofszell. Konsumverein: Coöperative Societies, Switzerland: Konsumverein, Bischofszell. Began as a joint stock company; since 1901 a genuine co-operative store.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Switzerland. Zürich. Distributive Society: Coöperative Societies, Switzerland: Distributive Society, Zurich. Second largest society; 72 branch stores; 15000 total membership; stock consists of groceries only.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: United States. Massachusetts. Maynard. Riverside Coöperative Association: Coöperative Societies, United States: Riverside Coöperative Association, Maynard, Mass.: Sovereigns of Industry Store, 1908.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: United States. Massachusetts. Maynard. Riverside Coöperative Association: Coöperative Societies, United States: Riverside Coöperative Association, Maynard, Mass.: Sovereigns of Industry Store, 1908.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Strikes: United States. New York. Brooklyn. Street Railway Strike: Strikes, United States: Crowd at the Trolley Depot., 1879 - 1959
Percy C. Byron
Industrial Problems, Types of Working People: Great Britain, England. London. Special Occupations: Social Conditions in London, England: 1905: London Life- A Pavement Hawker
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Types of Working People: Great Britain, England. London. Special Occupations: Social Conditions in London, England: 1905: London Life- A Fruit Hawker
Unidentified Artist